"Thank you for having classes for my H-2A workers!" 

"Was a great event and benefical for us (growers), as well as our workers."    

                                                                                    - KY Tobacco Growers


Safety and Compliance Events

Each summer GAP Connections hosts Farm Safety & Compliance Training Events in numerouse states.  The events are for all those involved in a farming operation including family members and farm workers.

Training is provided in English and Spanish. Attendees rotate through six to nine interactive stations led by experts in the safety and compliance topics.  Topics have included safety training on machinery, pesticide safety, heat illness, green tobacco sickness, basic first aid, and basic CPR.  In addition, training on compliance topics such as labor laws, worker’s rights, and harassment are included.

Attendance and Worker Training Cards

Growers who bring their Grower ID card will receive credit on their GAP transcript for worker safety. They will also receive documentation for their GAP records that lists all the workers in attendance and the training topics covered.

Each of the workers who attend will receive a Worker Training Card stating that they have been trained or received information on topics being covered at the event.  


In 2018, GAP Connections trained over 2,200 individuals in English and Spanish at fifteen trainings in five states. 



GAP Connections partners with the US Department of Labor Wage & Hour Division, State Departments of Labor, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, State Departments of Agriculture, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Mexican Consulates, and University Cooperative Extension programs to present the training stations.



These events could not happen without the excellent and committed sponsors GAP Connections has each year.  The 2018 Sponsors included RJ Reynolds, Altria Client Services, Alliance One International, Philip Morris International, US Tobacco Cooperative, Universal Leaf Tobacco, Gallatin Redrying & Storage Company, Hail & Cotton, Tobacco Growers Association of North Carolina, Georgia Farm Bureau, ProSolutions, South Carolina Farm Bureau, United Tobacco Company, and Virginia Farm Bureau.


Get Involved!

If you are interested in attending, presenting at a station, having an informational booth, or becoming a sponsor please contact Amy Rochkes with GAP Connections.

Amy Rochkes
Phone: 865.622.4606
E-mail: arochkes@gapconnections.com