COVID-19 Resources

We understand the health and safety of families and workers is critical to growers.  In order to help growers during this difficult time, GAPC has provided resources to help inform, educate, and train growers, workers, and family members on how to slow the spread of the coronavirus and to make sure farms are prepared if someone begins to show symptoms.

As with the current situation, these resources will be updated frequently.  If you have questions, concerns, or another great resource we can share please contact Amy Rochkes at

Main Points for Growers

  • Stress good hygiene

    • Wash your hands, especially after touching any frequently used items or surfaces.
    • Avoid touching your face
    • Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow
  • Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible

    • Examples: items in worker housing, farm equipment, meeting tables, door knobs, handles, etc.
  • Stress social distancing

    • Examples: placing orders for food at grocery stores instead of having large groups go to store and shop, limit social gatherings at restaurants and sporting events
  • Watch for signs and symptoms: Fever, cough, and shortness of breath

  • Encourage workers and family members to stay home if they feel sick and contact a medical provider

  • Prepare a disaster contingency plan

    • What will you do if 50% of your employees become sick and unable to work? Are there neighboring farms who might be able to share resources in an emergency? Who will manage for a few weeks if you or another key manager are unable to leave your house or are hospitalized?
  • Develop and maintain strong communication with your workforce. 

    • The COVID-19 is very fluid and changes rapidly.  It is important to stay informed by trusted sources for reliable information inlcuding local, state and federal guidelines, restrictions and rules. Regular communication with your workforce will make sure that they are informed also to help protect their health, their work, and their families.


Upcoming Webinars



Recorded Webinars

Navigating Work Comp and Other Insurance Issues During COVID-19 - AgSafe
FFCRA and What It Means for Employers - AgSafe
Employee Health, COVID-19 and The Law
Farm Health & Safety Considerations for COVID-19 - NC State Extension


H-2A Visa Concerns


Mexican Consulate 


COVID-19 Resources

For a listing of State Specific Resources click here.







US Department of Labor Coronavirus Resources:

Families First Coronavirus Response Act


(Must be posted no later than April 1, 2020 if you have 500 or fewer employees)




Other Resources

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

 US Department of Agriculture

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Farm Employers Labor Service:

Jackson Lewis PC

Reminder: Do not forget the GAPC HR/Legal Helpline. This helpline is free to all GAPC grower members. Growers can access the helpline by phone (833) 499-0275 or email

Zenith Agribusiness Solutions


 Other Government Departments: