About The Farm Labor Practices Group (FLPG)

The Farm Labor Practices Group (FLPG) includes manufacturers, buyers, growers, government and non-governmental organizations, whose purpose is to facilitate constructive dialogue about farm labor practices. The goal of the FLPG is to help stakeholders in production of labor-intensive crops better understand and comply with applicable labor laws and regulations, and to foster improved farm labor practices, where needed, that shape a worker’s experience on the farm.

Current members of the FLPG are:

  • Alliance One International, Inc.
  • Altria Client Services, Inc.
  • Farm Labor Organizing Committee
  • Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
  • Japan Tobacco Inc.
  • North Carolina Agribusiness Council (advisory member)
  • North Carolina Department of Labor - Agricultural Safety & Health (advisory member)
  • North Carolina Farm Bureau (advisory member)
  • Office of the Consul General of Mexico in Raleigh (advisory member)
  • Philip Morris International Management Inc.
  • RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company
  • Tobacco Growers Association of North Carolina
  • United States Department of Labor — Wage and Hour Division
  • Universal Leaf North America U.S., Inc.