The future of tobacco starts with you. 

Establishing a higher standard across the industry requires accountability and collaboration at every step of the way. 


Recognizing the demand for a comprehensive, and transparent tool to verify compliance with best practice implementation, GAPC developed the certification program with extensive input from its member companies, member-growers, and third-party experts.  GAPC’s certification program will increase transparency and foster an environment that promotes sustainability, profitability, fairness, and competition.


Get Started with GAP Connections

Reaching a higher standard begins with your choice to become a GAPC Grower Member and learn about good agricultural practices. From there, you can choose to become a GAPC Certified Grower Member and make a commitment to implement GAPC Certification Standards.

Details on Standards, Questions and Remediation

Details on Certification Audit, Site Visit and Desktop Review

Three Year Framework


The 2018 Application period is CLOSED.


Terms and Conditions

Appeals Process


Associated Costs

There is a $150 admin and application fee to be paid with each GAPC Certification application. For each associated grower ID listed on the application, there is an additional $50 fee. Growers are also responsible for the cost of the audit and needed remediation in year one as well as the third-party monitoring components in years two and three. Applications will not be reviewed until receipt of payment.